Monday, December 1, 2008

The Purpose of Chapters

Chapters are the backbone of the Missouri Writers’ Guild.
This is where the guild really does its’ best work. Every chapter across the state is very different and operates independently.

The purpose of the Missouri Writes’ Guild chapters is to support and promote writers so they can join the statewide organization. Chapters are open to all, regardless of an individual’s level of writing ability. If a person has the desire to be a professional writer, the chapter is there to help her achieve that goal.

Not everyone can be a Member of Missouri Writers’ Guild. The organization is only open to writing professionals who have achieved a certain level of writing success.
Chapters are the best way to build the writing experience required for Missouri Writers’ Guild membership. This is where chapters shine. Chapters meet regularly to network, share writing advice, ideas, markets, and serve as critique groups. Chapters encourage writers to publish.

All chapters should be encouraging their members to join Missouri Writers Guild. A chapter can advise and encourage writers early in their careers. Experienced writers continue their chapter membership because it keeps them writing and redrafting since the chapter expects writers to present their best effort regularly. It enables you to get feedback that you can use to improve your story or query.

Chapters also present literary programs and workshops in their region. The chapter can usually handle regional events, but if larger events such as Big Read, MLA, or a book festival are planned, the MWG board will assist in the advertising and funding.

Why should Missouri Writers’ Guild support your chapter if your chapter does not support Missouri Writers Guild?

Next time you meet, be sure to say thank you to chapter leaders and president.

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